I like Winston and Brett somewhat. On the feeds Brett is a lot more calm and nicer than Winston. Winston threatened Scotty after he nominated them. Brett acted cool and calm, and Winston went to Scotty and told him he's coming after him and yelled at him. Today he did apologize but that's only because Winston didn't win veto in my opinion. Tyler is probably one of my favorite players which I really didn't expect, i thought he wouldn't even get this game...judging from the prehouse interviews. The 3 I like the least is Kaitlyn, Rockstar and Haileigh. I like most of the rest of them. JC is hilarious on the feeds but yea, in the beginning he did touch a few people inappropriately and i think BB talked to him. He is all over the place though. Rachael is ok to me, Angela is a little boring but i find myself liking her a lot. Sam is just so sweet and just takes care of everyone and constantly cleans up and is just a real sweet girl. I don't think she's made out for this game though and i don't think her heart is in it. She sort of alluded to wanting to go home, but not 100%. I like KC also. I don't like Faysal that much but i don't really dislike him. I just seem to like one side of the house better than the other.
From: Christen P cwypy76@gmail.com [FunBBGroup] <FunBBGroup@yahoogroups.com>
To: funbbgroup <FunBBGroup@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Jul 15, 2018 12:00 am
Subject: Re: [FunBBGroup] feeds
Me too. Whenever she is on the feeds i have to change it. I truly wanted to like her too because i thought she'd be different. Haileigh I think is young and just immature but very much a mean girl and she disappoints me too. But Rockstar is probably my least favorite in the house and i can't even pinpoint why other than I feel she plays victim while being mean.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christen P cwypy76@gmail.com [FunBBGroup] <FunBBGroup@yahoogroups.com>
To: FunBBGroup <FunBBGroup@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Jul 14, 2018 11:23 pm
Subject: Re: [FunBBGroup] feeds
Rockstar sucks. She makes me cringe
On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 11:04 PM Natalieav2@aol.com [FunBBGroup] <FunBBGroup@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
The two people i can't stand the most on the feeds are Rockstar and Haileigh. They are mean girls for sure. All they do is talk crap about everyone else...and go personal instead of sticking to game.
Posted by: natalieav2@aol.com
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