
Sunday, 15 July 2018

Re: [Reality-TV-Fanatics] Saturday TV - July 14, 2018


Father Brown, Death in Paradise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Battlestar Galactica: 1978 and Kolchak: The Night Stalker.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Landers [Reality-TV-Fanatics] <>
To: Reality-TV-Fanatics <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 14, 2018 12:39 am
Subject: [Reality-TV-Fanatics] Saturday TV - July 14, 2018

3:01 AMNETFLIXmr. sunshine: episode 3 (#103)
 NETFLIXmr. sunshine: tba
9:00 AMDISNEYbig hero 6 the series: mr. sparkles loses h is sparkle
 NICKTOONSyu-gi-oh! zexal: tba (#327)
 DFCzak storm: the wiseman (#211)
9:30 AMDISNEYducktales: who is gizmoduck?!
11:30 AM DISNEY JUNIORelena of avalor: the race for the realm
6:00 PMOXYGENdateline nbc: secrets uncovered - somebody's daughter (#SU304-120)
7:00 PMHGTVfixer upper behind the design: the ballas loft (#514)
 FOXmlb special: baseball night in america (FSP-1903)
8:00 PMPARAMOUNTbellator mma live: episode 203 (#203)
 ANIMAL PLANETdr jeff: rocky mountain vet: a fighting spirit (#506)
  LIFETIMElifetime special: my husband's double life
 A&Elive pd: roll call - 07.14.18
 CBSme, myself & i: thanksgiving (#MMI109)
 NICKnicky, ricky, dicky & dawn: house crushing for dummies (#412)
 TLCsay yes to the dress: atlanta: walking on egg shells (#1006)
8:06 PMA&Elive pd: rewind #128
8:30 PMCBSme, myself & i: video games (#MMI110)
 NICKstar falls: the pet whisperer (#106)
9:00 PMANIMAL PLANETdodo heroes: estelle's favorite chimp (#106)
 DIYfirst time flippers: momma knows best (# 707)
 TRAVELghost adventures: kay's hollow (#1505)
 TLCi want that wedding: fine dining or dollar tacos (#106)
[1st season finale]
 NAT GEO WILDincredible dr. pol, the: grub-a-dub-dub (#1303)
 A&Elive pd: live pd - 07.14.18 (#268)
 CBSliving biblically: thou shalt not covet (#LB111)
9:30 PMCBSliving biblically: it is better to give than to receive (#LB112)
10:00 PMNAT GEO WILDanimals doing things with howie mandel: corn dogs (#105)
 IDfear thy neighbor: this bullet's for you (#507)
 HGTVhouse hunters renovation: a renovation surprise (#1501)
10:15 PMPARAMOUNTbellator mma live: bellator kickboxing 10: rome
8:00 AMNICKTOONSmassive monster mayhem: tba (#109)
10:00 AMA&Efood quest: wine, wieners, ribs and fish (#103)
7:30 PMHGTVfixer upper behind the design: the ramsey house (#510)
8:00 PMABCamerica's funniest home videos: episode 2803 (#2803)
 SYFYsyfy movie: harry potter and the order of the phoenix
 NBCwill & grace: three wise men (#912)
8:30 PMNBCnbc movie: mamma mia
9:00 PMABCabc news special: truth and lies: the family manson (#102)
 HGTVfixer upper: tb a
9:30 PMDIYfirst time flippers: slow and unsteady (#705)
10:00 PMCBS48 hours: the widow on solway road
 TRAVELtravel special: haunted towns - tba (#101)
11:00 PMPBSaustin city limits: jason isbell & 400 unit/amanda shires (#4308)
 FOXgordon ramsay's 24 hours to hell and back: sherman's restaurant (HRS-104)
11:29 PMNBCsaturday night live: repeat tba
Live long and prosper



Posted by: Mary Landers <>
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