
Thursday, 16 January 2020

January 16, 2020

Re: [Reality-TV-Fanatics] Thursday TV - January 16, 2020


grown-ish; Last Man Standing; Supernatural; Everything; Going to be Okay;  The Good Place; Deputy; Legacies; Evil and How the Universe Works.
Live long and prosper

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Landers [Reality-TV-Fanatics] <>
To: AwesomeTVshows_PastandPresent <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 16, 2020 12:11 am
Subject: [Reality-TV-Fanatics] Thursday TV - January 16, 2020


3:01 AMYOUTUBEbooktube: melinda gates (#104)
 NETFLIXnetflix feature film special: ninokuni
[special presentation]
 CBSAAtell me a story: tba (#207)
6:00 AMOVATIONantiques road trip: philip serrell and louise gostelow day 1 (#1721BA)
7:00 AMOVATIONantiques road trip: philip serrell and louise gostelow day 2 (#1722BA)
12:00 PMNICKryan's mystery playdate: ryan's sortin' playdate (#219B)
4:00 PMGSNget a clue: pirate practice (#109)
4:30 PMGSNamerica says: antique collectors vs. campus pastors (#445)
5:30 PMGSNcommon knowledge: the byrds vs. knockouts (#284)
6:00 PMGSNcatch 21: ace in the hole (#162)
 NICK JRricky zoom: tba (#116B)
7:00 PMOVATIONgrand designs: house of the year - the final (#0404BA)
[4th season finale]
8:00 PMA&Efirst 48, the: dead stop/uninvited (#399)
 FREEFORMgrown-ish: crunch time (#3001)
[3rd season premiere]
 DISCOVERYhomestead rescue: house of 30,000 tires (#603)
 LMNkidnapped by a classmate
[original telefilm]
 FOXlast man standing: the office / mysterious ways (LMS-806/805)
 MOTORTRENDmotortrend special: barrett-jackson live
 MTVmtv floribama shore: return of the kookapoo (#311)
 FOODrestaurant: impossible: ruffled feathers (#SP24)
 The CWsupernatural: the trap (#1509)
[15th season winter premiere]
 NBCsuperstore: myrtle (#512)
 PBSthis old house hour, the: tba (#1811)
 OXYGENunexpected killer, an: tba (#107)
 CBSyoung sheldon: body glitter and a mall safety kit (#YS312)
8:30 PMFREEFORMeverything's gonna be okay: seven-spotted ladybug (#1001-60)
[one-hour series premiere]
 NBCgood place, the: mondays, am i right? (#411)
8:31 PMCBSunicorn, the: it isn't romantic (#UNI112)
9:00 PMABCabc news special: the last days of richard pryor
[two-hour special presentation]
 A&Ealaska pd: taste of blood (#101)
 NGCalaska state troopers: home alone
 GSNamerica says: runners vs. navy (#446)
 HGTVchristina on the coast: counting down to a kitchen and a baby (#203)
 IDdead of winter: frozen waters (#203)
 FOXdeputy: deputy down (DEP-103)
 TLCdr. pimple popper: adventures in pimplepopping (#404)
 MTVex on the beach: ex-cuzzi (#408)
 TRAVELghost adventures: screaming room: the ex-files (#1R1R02)
 WEgrowing up hip hop: watch out sammy (#507)
 The CWlegacies: i couldn't have done this without you (#209)
[2nd season winter premiere]
 BRAVOproject runway: tba (#1806-90)
 DISCOVERYreclaimed: paydirt or bust (#102)
 FOODrestaurant: impossible: old habits die hard (#1606)
 DIYsalvage dawgs: dublin mill (#1113)
 E!very cavallari: out with the old (#303)
 SCIENCEwhat on earth?: bermuda triangle of space (#602)
 NBCwill & grace: what a dump (#1107)
9:01 PMCBSmom: silly frills and a depressed garden gnome (#MOM712)
9:30 PMCBScarol's second act: peer evaluations (#CSA112)
 NBCperfect harmony: hymn-a-thon (#112)
9:31 PMFREEFORMeverything's gonna be okay: greenbottle blue tarantula (#1002)
[new episode - special time]
10:00 PMA&E60 days in: fresh meat (#603)
 NGCalaska state troopers: hidden identity
 FOODbeat bobby flay: america's funniest food show (#2303)
 DISCOVERYbuilding off the grid: pacific coast perch (#802)
 CBSevil: justice x 2 (#EVI112)
 TRAVELghost adventures: extra pulses: lewis flats school (#15R1R04)
 IDhometown homicide: hold the line (#201)
[2nd season premiere]
 HGTVhouse hunters international: tba
 SCIENCEhow the universe works: hunt for alien evidence (#803)
 NBClaw & order: special victims unit: she paints for vengeance (#2111)
 TLCmy feet are killing me: mo toes, mo problems (#103)
 E!nightly pop: tba
 MTVridiculousness: miles brown
 FYIultimate rides: lost classics (#113)
10:30 PMHGTVhouse hunters: tba
 FYIultimate rides: ultimate supercars (#114)
 BRAVOwatch what happens live with andy cohen: tba (#17010)
11:00 PMTBSconan: ilana glazer
 COMEDYdaily show with trevor noah, the: jb smoove
11:30 PMCOMEDYlights out with david spade: lizzy cooperman, guy branum & joel mchale


Live long and prosper


Posted by: Mary Landers <>
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January 16, 2020

[Reality-TV-Fanatics] Thursday TV - January 16, 2020



3:01 AM YOUTUBE booktube: melinda gates (#104)
  NETFLIX netflix feature film special: ninokuni
[special presentation]
  CBSAA tell me a story: tba (#207)
6:00 AM OVATION antiques road trip: philip serrell and louise gostelow day 1 (#1721BA)
7:00 AM OVATION antiques road trip: philip serrell and louise gostelow day 2 (#1722BA)
12:00 PM NICK ryan's mystery playdate: ryan's sortin' playdate (#219B)
4:00 PM GSN get a clue: pirate practice (#109)
4:30 PM GSN america says: antique collectors vs. campus pastors (#445)
5:30 PM GSN common knowledge: the byrds vs. knockouts (#284)
6:00 PM GSN catch 21: ace in the hole (#162)
  NICK JR ricky zoom: tba (#116B)
7:00 PM OVATION grand designs: house of the year - the final (#0404BA)
[4th season finale]
8:00 PM A&E first 48, the: dead stop/uninvited (#399)
  FREEFORM grown-ish: crunch time (#3001)
[3rd season premiere]
  DISCOVERY homestead rescue: house of 30,000 tires (#603)
  LMN kidnapped by a classmate
[original telefilm]
  FOX last man standing: the office / mysterious ways (LMS-806/805)
  MOTORTREND motortrend special: barrett-jackson live
  MTV mtv floribama shore: return of the kookapoo (#311)
  FOOD restaurant: impossible: ruffled feathers (#SP24)
  The CW supernatural: the trap (#1509)
[15th season winter premiere]
  NBC superstore: myrtle (#512)
  PBS this old house hour, the: tba (#1811)
  OXYGEN unexpected killer, an: tba (#107)
  CBS young sheldon: body glitter and a mall safety kit (#YS312)
8:30 PM FREEFORM everything's gonna be okay: seven-spotted ladybug (#1001-60)
[one-hour series premiere]
  NBC good place, the: mondays, am i right? (#411)
8:31 PM CBS unicorn, the: it isn't romantic (#UNI112)
9:00 PM ABC abc news special: the last days of richard pryor
[two-hour special presentation]
  A&E alaska pd: taste of blood (#101)
  NGC alaska state troopers: home alone
  GSN america says: runners vs. navy (#446)
  HGTV christina on the coast: counting down to a kitchen and a baby (#203)
  ID dead of winter: frozen waters (#203)
  FOX deputy: deputy down (DEP-103)
  TLC dr. pimple popper: adventures in pimplepopping (#404)
  MTV ex on the beach: ex-cuzzi (#408)
  TRAVEL ghost adventures: screaming room: the ex-files (#1R1R02)
  WE growing up hip hop: watch out sammy (#507)
  The CW legacies: i couldn't have done this without you (#209)
[2nd season winter premiere]
  BRAVO project runway: tba (#1806-90)
  DISCOVERY reclaimed: paydirt or bust (#102)
  FOOD restaurant: impossible: old habits die hard (#1606)
  DIY salvage dawgs: dublin mill (#1113)
  E! very cavallari: out with the old (#303)
  SCIENCE what on earth?: bermuda triangle of space (#602)
  NBC will & grace: what a dump (#1107)
9:01 PM CBS mom: silly frills and a depressed garden gnome (#MOM712)
9:30 PM CBS carol's second act: peer evaluations (#CSA112)
  NBC perfect harmony: hymn-a-thon (#112)
9:31 PM FREEFORM everything's gonna be okay: greenbottle blue tarantula (#1002)
[new episode - special time]
10:00 PM A&E 60 days in: fresh meat (#603)
  NGC alaska state troopers: hidden identity
  FOOD beat bobby flay: america's funniest food show (#2303)
  DISCOVERY building off the grid: pacific coast perch (#802)
  CBS evil: justice x 2 (#EVI112)
  TRAVEL ghost adventures: extra pulses: lewis flats school (#15R1R04)
  ID hometown homicide: hold the line (#201)
[2nd season premiere]
  HGTV house hunters international: tba
  SCIENCE how the universe works: hunt for alien evidence (#803)
  NBC law & order: special victims unit: she paints for vengeance (#2111)
  TLC my feet are killing me: mo toes, mo problems (#103)
  E! nightly pop: tba
  MTV ridiculousness: miles brown
  FYI ultimate rides: lost classics (#113)
10:30 PM HGTV house hunters: tba
  FYI ultimate rides: ultimate supercars (#114)
  BRAVO watch what happens live with andy cohen: tba (#17010)
11:00 PM TBS conan: ilana glazer
  COMEDY daily show with trevor noah, the: jb smoove
11:30 PM COMEDY lights out with david spade: lizzy cooperman, guy branum & joel mchale


Live long and prosper


Posted by: Mary Landers <>
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