
Friday, 18 September 2020

RE: [Reality-TV-Fanatics] Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 09/17/20: Season 22 Episode 19 “Live Eviction and HoH”


Yes Ian was very classy and I do hope he does find out about people mocking him in the house when he gets out.  I really wish he would be able to find that out in the jury house as it would likely affect his vote at the end.  But you're right, Nicole took the bullet for Dani.  She should have made Dani the "bad guy" last night.  I think she could have had points to score with David, Da'Vonne, and Kevin if she had done that too


From: <>
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 10:53 AM
Subject: [Reality-TV-Fanatics] Big Brother 22 All-Stars Recap 09/17/20: Season 22 Episode 19 "Live Eviction and HoH"



Ian was very classy going out. I hated to see him go. I hope it bites Nicole in the butt .If it tied then Dani had to choose and she would have kept Tyler anyway tho






Dani told everyone that her target is Tyler, but it is actually Ian because she doesn't want to go against the house this early in the game. Dani also has the reply power, will she use it and play for HoH tonight?

Kevin is so relieved that he is off the block. Tyler on the other hand is hoping he has the vote to stay because of the committee. Nicole is devasted that Ian is on the block and she is forced not to tell him anything because her alliance wants to keep Tyler. Da'Vonne goes to see Dani who is frustrated at how many people she has put on the block. Dani doesn't like Da'Vonne took Kevin off the block but she is going to work to get their relationship back on track. Ian goes to see Dani and she lies to his face, so he feels as safe as possible.

Shockingly, Ian is in a final four with Dani and she is willing to let him go. Next, Tyler comes in the room to see Dani, she tells him that she feels terrible about everything and she doesn't plan on letting him go home.. Tyler is super happy that he could be staying in the house but he doesn't trust Dani. Ian goes to speak to Memphis, he has been a lone wolf, and he wants to try to get his vote. Ian is starting to understand that he is not a pawn but the target, and he is starting to get mad. The fact that Tyler is not campaigning is starting to raise red flags for Da'Vonne.

Nicole goes to see Dani who tells her that the committee wants to keep Tyler, she hugs Nicole and says sorry. Nicole tries to plead her case to keep Ian to Cody and Memphis, Memphis laughs and tells her that if she wants to be with him that bad they can make it happen that she go to the jury with him. Memphis leaves and Cody tells her to watch herself.. Cody is so stuck on keeping the committee happy, but Nicole knows that it is time to take out a strong player, namely Tyler.

Nicole is very upset, Cody gets to keep two of his allies when she has to make hers go. Time for the live vote and eviction. Christmas is first, she votes to evict Ian. Enzo for Ian, Da'Vonne for Tyler, Cody for Ian, Kevin for Tyler, Memphis for Ian, David for Tyler, Nicole for Ian. With a vote of five to three, Ian is evicted from the Big Brother house.

Ian says he is hurt in the game for being sent out of the house. He says he doesn't feel betrayed by anyone because it is a game. He says if he was doing over again, he wouldn't change his strategy. Julie calls Ian classy, he thanks her for the opportunity. Ian will be the first person to go into the jury house.

Time for the live HoH competition, Dani has decided not to use the replay power. This competition is called the Hydrant Hustle. On Julie's go, they will hustle across the yard to collect hydrant puzzle pieces and bring them back to their stand. The goal is simple, assemble the puzzle correctly and buzz in. The first person to finish it correctly and buzz in, wins HoH.




Posted by: "Peter Anderson" <>
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