
Wednesday, 8 August 2018




6:00 PMNICKspongebob squarepants: krusty kleaners (#233B)
7:00 PMCARTOONwe bare bears: crowbar jones: origins
7:30 PMDISNEYbug juice: my adventures at camp: challenge makers, ankle breakers and breakout fakers
8:00 PMThe CW100, the: damocles - part two (#513)
[5th season finale]
 NBCamerica's got talent: judge cuts 4 (#1310)
 ANIMAL PLANETanimal planet special: fear island: hunt for the mega bear
[two-hour special presentation]
 ABCbachelor in paradise: episode 501 (#501)
[5th season premiere]
 FOXbeat shazam: episode ten (BSH-212)
 FREEFORMbold type, the: we'll always have paris (#2010)
[2nd season finale]
 BYUtvdonna hay - basics to brilliance: bake sale (#108)
 LIFETIMEmarried at first sight: love unlocked: trouble in paradise (#705)
 VICELANDpost radical: size matters (#105)
 TV ONEwe're the campbells: there's a first time for everything (#107)
 USAwwe smackdown: 080718 (#990)
8:30 PMBYUtvbest cake wins: supercat battle (#108)
 LIFETIMEmarried at first sight: unfiltered: out of your comfort zone (#705)
9:00 PMTNTanimal kingdom: jackpot (#311)
 BRAVObelow deck mediterranean: take this job and stew it (#312)
 TRAVELbizarre foods america: tba (#1206)
 COOKINGburgers, brew & 'que: sweet and savory (#408)
 MTVchallenge, the: breaking bad (#3205)
 FOODchopped: grill masters: north carolina (#SP31)
 DISCOVERYdeadliest catch: turf wars (#1416)
 HGTVdesert flippers: flight path flip (#303)
 SYFYface off: through the looking glass, part 2 (#1310)
[series finale]
 HISTORYforged in fire: the kilij (#522)
 DIYholmes & holmes: decisions and delays (#205)
 VICELANDking of the road: game of stoke (#305)
 FOXlove connection: vaughn & josh (LOE-209)
 LIFETIMEmarried at first sight: too close for comfort (#706)
 IDmurder comes to town: the last face she saw (#510)
[5th season finale]
 NGCnational geographic special: yellowstone live
 PBSno passport required: miami (#105)
 TLCoutdaughtered: it's beginning to look a lot like quintmas (#405)
 The CWoutpost, the: bones to pick (#105)
 SCIENCEstrange evidence: tba (#205)
10:00 PMWGNcarter: koji the killer (#101)
[series premiere]
 ABCcastaways: abandoned (#101)
[series premiere]
 HISTORYcounting cars: dad's t-bird
 IDdark waters: murder in the deep: last breath (#102)
 MTVfear factor: breaking the internet (#917)
 PBSfrontline: documenting hate: charlottesville (#3613)
 HBOhard knocks: training camp with the cleveland browns - #1 (#1301)
[13th season premiere]
 DISCOVERYhard to kill: american bullfighter (#102)
 HGTVhidden potential: family nap zone (#114)
[1st season finale]
 FUSEhip-hop houdini: lil jon (#104)
 BEThit the floor: end game (#405)
 COMEDYjeff ross presents roast battle: night three (#303)
 OWNlove is __: rose (#108)
 BRAVOmillion dollar listing: new york: town goes down (#708)
 USAmiz & mrs: certified superdad (#103)
 VICELANDmost expensivest: lights camera action (#205)
 NGCnational geographic special: amazing planet "lava-driven world"
 TRUTVpaid off with michael torpey: new parents edition (#V105)
 SCIENCEplanets, the: tba (#208)
 CNBCprofit, the: an inside look: la dogworks (#001)
 TLCrattled: nightmare labor (#305)
 LIFETIMEseven year switch: vowing to be vulnerable (#304)
 ANIMAL PLANETweird, true & freaky: world gone mad (#408)
[returns from hiatus - new time slot]
 TBSwrecked: bush man (#301)
[3rd season premiere]
 TV LANDyounger: honk if you're horny (#509)
10:01 PMNBCmaking it: home sweet home
10:30 PMUSAchrisley knows best: america's next todd model (#615)
 VICELANDf*ck, that's delicious: the best caribbean food in new york city (#405)
 TRUTVhack my life: solar-powered hacks (#V605)
 FUSEhollywood puppet sh!t show, the: teyana taylor and jhene aiko (#204)
 HGTVhouse hunters: tba
 COMEDYjim jefferies show, the: episode 217 (#217)
 TV LANDteachers: step by stepsister (#309)
11:00 PMMTVfear factor: battle of the bands (#918)
 BRAVOwatch what happens live with andy cohen: ann dowd and jake tapper (#15131)

:00 PMPBS10 that changed america: towns
 CBSncis: handle with care (#346)
9:00 PMCBSbull: kill shot (#BUL213)
 OWNhaves and the have nots, the: repeat tba
9:30 PMHGTVdesert flippers: tba
10:00 PMCBSncis: new orleans: the last mile (#NO413


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